import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import RSVP, { Promise } from 'rsvp';
import { TaskInstance } from './task-instance';
import { cancelableSymbol, Yieldable } from './external/yieldables';
* A cancelation-aware variant of [Promise.all](
* The normal version of a `Promise.all` just returns a regular, uncancelable
* Promise. The `ember-concurrency` variant of `all()` has the following
* additional behavior:
* - if the task that `yield`ed `all()` is canceled, any of the
* {@linkcode TaskInstance}s passed in to `all` will be canceled
* - if any of the {@linkcode TaskInstance}s (or regular promises) passed in reject (or
* are canceled), all of the other unfinished `TaskInstance`s will
* be automatically canceled.
* [Check out the "Awaiting Multiple Child Tasks example"](/docs/examples/joining-tasks)
export const all = taskAwareVariantOf(RSVP.Promise, 'all', identity);
* A cancelation-aware variant of [RSVP.allSettled](
* The normal version of a `RSVP.allSettled` just returns a regular, uncancelable
* Promise. The `ember-concurrency` variant of `allSettled()` has the following
* additional behavior:
* - if the task that `yield`ed `allSettled()` is canceled, any of the
* {@linkcode TaskInstance}s passed in to `allSettled` will be canceled
export const allSettled = taskAwareVariantOf(RSVP, 'allSettled', identity);
* A cancelation-aware variant of [Promise.race](
* The normal version of a `Promise.race` just returns a regular, uncancelable
* Promise. The `ember-concurrency` variant of `race()` has the following
* additional behavior:
* - if the task that `yield`ed `race()` is canceled, any of the
* {@linkcode TaskInstance}s passed in to `race` will be canceled
* - once any of the tasks/promises passed in complete (either success, failure,
* or cancelation), any of the {@linkcode TaskInstance}s passed in will be canceled
* [Check out the "Awaiting Multiple Child Tasks example"](/docs/examples/joining-tasks)
export const race = taskAwareVariantOf(Promise, 'race', identity);
* A cancelation-aware variant of [RSVP.hash](
* The normal version of a `RSVP.hash` just returns a regular, uncancelable
* Promise. The `ember-concurrency` variant of `hash()` has the following
* additional behavior:
* - if the task that `yield`ed `hash()` is canceled, any of the
* {@linkcode TaskInstance}s passed in to `hash` will be canceled
* - if any of the items rejects/cancels, all other cancelable items
* (e.g. {@linkcode TaskInstance}s) will be canceled
export const hash = taskAwareVariantOf(RSVP, 'hash', getValues);
* A cancelation-aware variant of [RSVP.hashSettled](
* The normal version of a `RSVP.hashSettled` just returns a regular, uncancelable
* Promise. The `ember-concurrency` variant of `hashSettled()` has the following
* additional behavior:
* - if the task that `yield`ed `hashSettled()` is canceled, any of the
* {@linkcode TaskInstance}s passed in to `hashSettled` will be canceled
export const hashSettled = taskAwareVariantOf(RSVP, 'hashSettled', getValues);
function identity(obj) {
return obj;
function getValues(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map((k) => obj[k]);
function castForPromiseHelper(castable) {
if (castable) {
if (castable instanceof TaskInstance) {
// Mark TaskInstances, including those that performed synchronously and
// have finished already, as having their errors handled, as if they had
// been then'd, which this is emulating.
castable.executor.asyncErrorsHandled = true;
} else if (castable instanceof Yieldable) {
// Cast to promise
return castable._toPromise();
return castable;
function castAwaitables(arrOrHash, callback) {
if (Array.isArray(arrOrHash)) {
} else if (typeof arrOrHash === 'object' && arrOrHash !== null) {
let obj = {};
Object.keys(arrOrHash).forEach((key) => {
obj[key] = callback(arrOrHash[key]);
return obj;
} else {
// :shruggie:
return arrOrHash;
function taskAwareVariantOf(obj, method, getItems) {
return function (awaitable) {
let awaitables = castAwaitables(awaitable, castForPromiseHelper);
let items = getItems(awaitables);
assert(`'${method}' expects an array.`, Array.isArray(items));
let defer = RSVP.defer();
obj[method](awaitables).then(defer.resolve, defer.reject);
let hasCancelled = false;
let cancelAll = () => {
if (hasCancelled) {
hasCancelled = true;
items.forEach((it) => {
if (it) {
if (it instanceof TaskInstance) {
} else if (typeof it[cancelableSymbol] === 'function') {
let promise = defer.promise.finally(cancelAll);
promise[cancelableSymbol] = cancelAll;
return promise;