Source: external/task-instance/cancelation.js

export const TASK_CANCELATION_NAME = 'TaskCancelation';

 * Returns true if the object passed to it is a TaskCancelation error.
 * If you call `someTask.perform().catch(...)` or otherwise treat
 * a {@linkcode TaskInstance} like a promise, you may need to
 * handle the cancelation of a TaskInstance differently from
 * other kinds of errors it might throw, and you can use this
 * convenience function to distinguish cancelation from errors.
 * ```js
 * click() {
 *   this.myTask.perform().catch(e => {
 *     if (!didCancel(e)) { throw e; }
 *   });
 * }
 * ```
 * @param {object} error the caught error, which might be a TaskCancelation
 * @returns {boolean}
export function didCancel(e) {
  return e && === TASK_CANCELATION_NAME;

export const CANCEL_KIND_EXPLICIT = 'explicit';
export const CANCEL_KIND_YIELDABLE_CANCEL = 'yielded';
export const CANCEL_KIND_LIFESPAN_END = 'lifespan_end';
export const CANCEL_KIND_PARENT_CANCEL = 'parent_cancel';

export class CancelRequest {
  constructor(kind, reason) {
    this.kind = kind;
    this.reason = reason;
    this.promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.finalize = resolve;