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Child Tasks

Tasks can call other tasks by yielding the result of anotherTask.perform(). When this happens, the Parent task will wait for the Child task to complete before proceeding. If the Parent task is canceled, the Child task will automatically be canceled as well.


Waiting to start
  • Parent Task: idle
  • Child Task: idle
  • Grandchild Task: idle
export default class ChildTasksController extends Controller {
  status = 'Waiting to start';

  @restartableTask *parentTask() {
    this.set('status', '1. Parent: one moment...');
    yield timeout(1000);
    let value = yield this.childTask.perform();
    this.set('status', `5. Parent: child says "${value}"`);
    yield timeout(1000);
    this.set('status', '6. Done!');

  @task *childTask() {
    this.set('status', '2. Child: one moment...');
    yield timeout(1000);
    let value = yield this.grandchildTask.perform();
    this.set('status', `4. Child: grandchild says "${value}"`);
    yield timeout(1000);
    return "What's up";

  @task *grandchildTask() {
    this.set('status', '3. Grandchild: one moment...');
    yield timeout(1000);
    return 'Hello';

  <li>Parent Task:     {{this.parentTask.state}}</li>
  <li>Child Task:      {{this.childTask.state}}</li>
  <li>Grandchild Task: {{this.grandchildTask.state}}</li>

<button {{on "click" (perform this.parentTask)}} type="button">
  {{#if this.parentTask.isRunning}}
    Restart Parent Task
    Perform Parent Task

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